Congratulations on creating your new Speedg Page!

SpeedG App Page Setup Guide 

How to Create Speed Page

Step 1:

When you first sign in you will be brought to your homepage, otherwise known as your newsfeed. From here you can creat your first personalize Speedg Page. 


Step 2: 

Select the small where the red arrow is pointing to open up a menu that will direct you to your pages section. 

Step 3: 

Once the menu is opened, select "MyPages" from the menu.

Step 4: 

When you select "MyPages" from the menu you will be brought to a screen like this. Simply select the button "Create" to start creating your new page. 

Step 5

You will need to select a category for your page. 

Step 6: 

Speedg will ask you to choose a more specific category for your page. Please choose the most appriopriate one.

Step 7: 

You will then be brought to a screen where you must input information about the page you wish to create. Please fill it out. Don't worry about being perfect you can re-edit this page after creation. 

Step 8: 

After filling out information, select "Done" that can be found in the top right hand corner. See below at picture for an example a completed set up page looks like. 

Step 9: 

After selecting the "Done" button, there will be a popup. Simply press OK to continue. 


Step 10:

You are almost done creating your page. To add a banner, select anywhere on the dark blue space above the title of your page. 

Step 11: 

Select the camera icon that is in the top right corner of the dark blue rectangle to select your page's banner photo. 

Step 12: 

Once you are happy with your banner. Select "Done" that is on the top right hand corner above the camera icon to save and finish. 


**Note: You must have the SpeedG App already installed to create a SpeedG page **

Step 12: 

Once you select "Done" a prompt will appear confirming, and saving your edits to your page. Simply select OK to continue. 

You are now all set to start posting to your page. Below is an example of a completed page. 

Install Speedg